TE4896D Digital Thermostat

TE4896D Dijital Termostat

Digital temperature control device witr ı double contact and designed with micro-controllers capable of controlling Over adjustable time rate.
Digital temperature control device witr ı double contact and
designed with micro-controllers capable of controlling Over
adjustable time rate. 
48 x 96 cross-section for panel mount 
Set point temp. with the actual temp. are displayed simultaneously. 
Easy and clear programming with the aid of buttons on tt ı e
front panel 
Double set point 
Dimensions W48x H96x D123 
Display 3 Digit 14 mm, 7 Segmented Red Led
3 Digit 14 mm, 7 Segmented Green Led 
Scale 0 - 500 °C 
Input Fe-Const. (PT-100 must be mentioned
with order) 
Resolution 1°C 
Accuracy ± % 0.5 (Över Full Scale) 
Control Type ON- OFF and time rate if ali the
parameters are kept at minimum 
Control Output 1  Time rate according to Seti 
Control 0utput 2  ON - OFF according to Set2 
Rate Band (HYH) 0 - 20°C 
Rate of Time (dt) 2 - 20 s 
Supply Voltage 220 VAC + %15,-%20, 50-60 Hz, Max 3 VA.  
Power Consumption 3VA 
Ambience Temp. 
Compensation  0-50°C 
Ambience Temp. Range 0.. +50°C 
Buttons  Micro-svvitch 
Weight 350 gr 


Programming options for TE4896D are simple, targeting ones needs with clear programming algorithm. 

The value of Seti can be adjusted just with buttons and  Value can be increased or decreased one by one pressing the buttons at a time. If one of the buttons are pressed continuously for 3 seconds adjustment can be done more faster. After adjustment is done the new value for Seti is stored in the memory.

After PRG button is pressed for 5 seconds ST2 value will be di- splayed. and buttons are used to adjust St2.

Second time the PRG button is pressed rl2 option is displayed and Set2 can be activated (ON) or de-activated (OFF) vvith and   buttons.

Third time the PRG button is pressed rl2 option vvith two choices: h ı or Lo are displayed and can be selected vvith and  When Lo is selected relay2 is activated when the temperature is belovv the value of set2. If h ı is selected then relay2 vvill be activated vvhen the tempe- rature is equal or higher then that of set2.

Fourth time the PRG button is pressed HYH option is displayed. VVith and buttons the rate band value can be selected be- tween1 ° Cto20 ° C

Fifth time the PRG button is pressed dt option is displayed. VVith and  buttons the rate time value can be selected betvveen 2 seconds to 20 seconds.

 If none of the buttons are pressed for a vvhile the thermostat vvill auto- matically store the changes and set back to normal operating mode

Time Rate Operating Mode

Rate band value (HYH) sets the temperature difference for vvhich the time rate operating vvill be activated before the value of Seti.

Time rate value (dt) sets the period time in seconds for relayl in time rate operating mode.

Example: HYH= 10 ° C, dt= 6 sec. And Set1=200 ° C At temperature Seti - HYH = 200 ° C -10 ° C = 190 ° C time rate operating mode starts and stops at Seti + 2 = 202 ° C. The ON and OFF time for the relay is harf of the period at 196 ° C (thats 3 sec. ON and 3 sec. OFF) 


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